Stephen J. Kosmyna

Visualization + Assumption = Manifestation



In this episode I continue with the initial steps necessary for you to 'build out' the life you would love to live in 2023. I encourage you to listen again to the previous three episodes as this is turning into another mini-series that will guide you to all you want to be, do, and have in your life.Together we have moved through specific instructions to help you discover the certain way to experience quantum leaps when it comes to personal and professional goal achievement and radical transformation.Don't let time slip away and allow this new year to become another year just like the last one. It's time to take charge of what's going on within you so you experience the results that are showing up, the results you really want, in the world about you.Listen in now and get started right now if you haven't already.Dr. Koz (and effect!)Dr. Stephen J. Kosmyna, Ph.D.The Genesis Frequency Podcast - Success Ocean International