Small Town Murder

#357 - Crushed Skulls & Missing Golf Clubs - Prescott, Arizona



This week, in Prescott, Arizona, a very smart, successful couple make a very nice life for themselves, in a wonderful custom built home. Eventually, 17 affairs cause them to separate, and divorce. Once everything is final, all seems fine, until one of them is on the phone, and the words "oh no" are said, followed by the line going dead. A terribly bumbling investigation of the bloody & horrific crime scene follows, complete with awful police work. Footprints, tire tracks & DNA only confuse the whole thing. Will anyone ever pay for this terrible murder??Along the way, we find out that anyone can be in the rodeo, that a gun & a flashlight aren't enough to make grown man confident enough to look into a bloody house, and that DNA under the nails doesn't exactly mean that you have your killer!!Hosted by James Pietragallo and Jimmie WhismanNew episodes every Thursday!Donate at: or go to and use our email: crimeinsports@gmail.comGo to for all