Business Conversations With Clive Enever

The Fiercely Unstoppable Life: Lead with Purpose, Leave a Legacy



Adversity is a fact of life. Resilience is that ineffable quality that allows some people to be knocked down by life and come back at least as strong as before. In this Business Conversation holistic nutritionist, naturopath and psychologist Elizabeth Clamon and I discuss how to overcome adversity, and find a way to rise from the ashes. Drawing on her personal stories of overcoming adversity, Elizabeth helps people see factors that help them become resilient, focusing on how to develop a "personal why" that gives life and work meaning, and frame it into a larger context. She notes having a clear sense of purpose helps you assess setbacks within the framework of a broader perspective, take charge of your life, career, development and not expect someone else to choose your path. Key areas of this podcast include: •Embracing self-empowerment •Defining Your Purpose •Developing a positive attitude, optimism, and see adversity as a form of helpful feedback Elizabeth M. Clamon studied Holistic Nutrition and