Business Conversations With Clive Enever

The importance of options in financial Independence, options in retirement or leaving a legacy



Uwe Jacobs has worked in the corporate world for over 25 years. His area of expertise is financial control, contract law, and project management. He decided to take those years of experience and devote them to helping people find their right place for investing to deliver their desired outcomes. Most importantly, Uwe is also a proud father of two much-loved daughters. In this Business Conversations podcast, Uwe shares an insight into how anyone can ensure options in financial Independence, options in retirement or leaving a legacy. Top three topics covered in this podcast include: •Where are you now? •Where do you want to go? •What is the best path to your goal? His experience as a full-time property investor since 2003 and the Property Friends system has put many of his clients into a secure financial future, to an extent rarely achievable by most. With 76% return clients, the Property Friends System has over and over been proven to be low risk, predictable, and furthermore can be duplicated, having a