Business Conversations With Clive Enever

So You Want To Start a Business: A Business Conversation with Ingrid Thompson



Starting and running a small business is a tough gig. It's one bestselling author Ingrid Thompson describes as "a bit like trying to launch a space rocket off the ground". In this Business Conversation, Ingrid and I explore the key questions to consider when starting a business, including who do you need to be to start a business and is this business idea viable? Key areas of this podcast include: •Ways to explore whether business is right for you •Identifying the ideal client •The importance of understanding the value you provide As the author of 'So You Want To Start A Business', Ingrid Thompson is regarded as an opinion leader and influencer within the business community. Ingrid has been working within businesses and with small business owners for almost 20 years, helping them reduce complexity, and simplify processes and systems so they can increase profitability and achieve work life harmony. She notes the recognition that truly matters is improving clients' lives, improving their bottom line, i