Business Conversations With Clive Enever

A Business Conversation with Hugh Thyer about The Ultimate Quote



The quote you send your buyers is a crucial, yet often overlooked way to get buyers over the line. A quote isn't just about giving somebody a price, it's an opportunity to educate people on the reasons why your product or service should be chosen. In this Business Conversations podcast, business owner and copywriter Hugh Thyer shares his tips on creating the perfect quote. Hugh and I explore: •Our story, how the ultimate quote format came to be and what it did for our splashback business. •Different ways you can benefit from the format. •The key components you need in a quote. Hugh Thyer is an Australian direct response copywriter who works with clients to generate leads and sales. Over the past decade he has helped people get more sales in dozens of industries as varied as investing, health, education, phone systems, concreting, dental and counselling. He is also pioneering the Ultimate Quote Format, a process for getting more buyers and clients with the quotation they are sent. Each week I'm join