David Hathaway

Christ has disarmed powers and authorities / Colossians Bible Study (Part 9)



Our salvation consists in the fact that Christ, in His death, blotted out all accusation against us! When He, Christ, nailed our sin on the cross, He ‘spoiled’ principalities and powers, He disarmed the powers and authorities – and made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross, v15! Christ triumphed over all the powers of Satan and all the powers of evil that are against us and attack us! When Christ died on the cross, He did not only forgive our sin, but He broke the power the devil had against us. The NIV translation sums up this triumph in a military sense: Christ on the cross, disarmed the powers and authorities! He disarmed the devil! That’s what the Ukrainians are trying to do with the Russians – to smash all their arms and ammunition depots, all their weapons and tanks and armaments and to disarm the enemy! And when they’re disarmed, they can’t fight! Christ has done for us what the Ukrainians are doing – disarming the enemy!