Retired Racehorse Radio

90: The RRP Thoroughbred Makeover Episode by Kentucky Performance Products



It's the episode you've all been waiting's the Thoroughbred Makeover episode! There is so much to cover and we're excited to share with you just a few of the hundreds of stories this amazing event has created. We had the pleasure to interview people across multiple disciplines from competitive trail, to polo, to eventing, and even interviewed the winner of the Makeover, junior competitor, Jenna Denver, before we even knew she was going to take home the grand prize! We hope you enjoy this mega episode and enjoy hearing from our Making the Makeover series riders (& forever friends), Raechel Ramsey, Leigh Beamer, and Natalie Holdren one last time, and we congratulate every competitor and their horses who participated this year. And yes...we still caught Leandra Cooper from New Vocations and yes, we bring you another fantastic Adoptable Horse. Stay tuned! Retired Racehorse Radio Guests and Links Episode 90: Hosts: Joy Hills of The Foodie Equestrian and Kristen Kovatch Bentley of The Horseback Writer