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One Bold, Cancer-Fighting Computer Scientist Is Creating Consumer-Based Financial Visualizations w/ Brandon Dewitt



It would be easy to chalk Brandon’s passion into something driven by his near-death experiences. But that’s only half the story.  Brandon Dewitt is CTO at MX, a company that grew from the merging of his own company, MyJibe. At his heart, he’s a computer scientist. He wants to help people solve real-life problems, by separating out those things computers do well to help people with their lives. But a while back, he found out he had over a dozen tumors. The docs gave him 30 to 90 days. That was over 4 years ago. On this episode of the Payments Innovation Podcast, Brandon discusses his passion for consumer-friendly, computer-driven financial analysis built for the everyday person. What we talked about: Everyday people need a different financial visualization Visibility for consumers Showing a consumer’s “trajectory,” with colors and graphs, not just the exact numbers Consumers don’t want to look at their own numbers The banking industry is becoming more consumer-focused Banks actually want to do what’s best fo