Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Tracy Litt, Supporting Women Leaders and Entrepreneurs Become the Next Level Version of Themselves, Episode 285



Our guest on Extraordinary Women Radio today is Tracy Litt. If Brene Brown and Tony Robbins had a baby, that baby would be Tracy Litt. A serious motivator and proven powerhouse of transformation, Tracy is here to help people embrace their power, recognize their worth and importance, and break the patterns that bind them. Tracy helps people become the highest versions of themselves so that they can create the businesses, relationships, friendships, and lives they dream about. Her TEDx Talk, Dear Fear, It's Not You, It's Me,  has inspired many, and today I know Tracy will inspire you. In This Episode: She talks about the biology of fear and risk perception The beauty of having different methods to allow you to love and engage fear and take your power back from it so that you can lead the fear instead of the fear leading you The importance of recognizing that you are the common denominator in everything you're experiencing in your life She explains why Imposter Syndrome is a fallacy The importance