Ptm Radio

Spiritual Gifts In The Bride Part 3



We are going to look more closely at the various spiritual gifts and how they operate. 11 Now, as a preacher, I’m not very much of a preacher. But the Lord has given a gift, a Divine gift. Which in the Scriptures we’re taught that gifts and callings are without repentance. That’s church gifts, not the church, the gifts in the local church which we’re to pray for, like First Corinthians 12. But there’s five ministering gifts which are—are the foreknowledge of God. And the first of those are apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, and pastors. Those are God sent gifts to the church.Apostles or missionaries…We call them “missionary” today. In the early day they called them “apostle.” Now, anyone knows—knows that the word “apostle” means “one sent.” And the word “missionary” means “one sent.” So it’s both the same thing. Missionaries, prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors.Then in every local church there’s nine spiritual gifts should be operating in that church, if they’re a good praying congregation. And t