Ptm Radio

Spiritual Gifts In The Bride Part 2



And the same Holy Ghost that fell on the day of Pentecost (which we all know that that was the birth of the new church), if that same Holy Spirit don’t bring the same experience to you, then you got a different Holy Spirit than what that was. Exactly right. If it don’t make you live a sacrificial life, and a life full of joy and pleasure, and the baptism of the Spirit leading you into signs and wonders and miracles and things, there’s something happened. Jesus said, “These signs shall follow them that believe.”60-0610 - "The Rejected King"Rev. William Marrion BranhamThe Bible shows us that spiritual gifts are to all ages of the church. Let’s study this more deeply. To Donate To Our Ministry: $jjdemarsTo Buy our Book "End Time Message Handbook": our Book "A Summary of