Ptm Radio

Revelation 12 Sign Part 2



In this weeks episode, I discuss the Revelation 12 sign more in depth. I don't identify with what others are speaking about, but it is a significant sign in the heavens, that Jesus told us to watch for. Brother Branham said, "We see that the astronomers are predicting, sometime in this early part or the first part of the month, beginning on the second or the fifth, or somewhere along this month, the Indian astronomers predict the world to blow to pieces. And the American newspapers make fun of it. I do not believe the world's going to blow to pieces, but I do say it's wrong to make fun of it. Because, something's fixing to happen one of these days, something similar to that, when the five planets, Mars, Jupiter and Venus, and—and so forth."    62-0204 - Communion   Rev. William Marrion BranhamThis is a link to the details on the livestream show I have mentioned.