Risen Church Nc

We Believe: It's Personal - John 1:29-39



We believe that redemption leads us into a relationship. In week two of our "We Believe" series, we discuss what comes after salvation and forgiveness of sin. While this is our foundation, the Bible makes it clear that in tandem with our redemption comes a real relationship with God. Everyone who sees their sin washed away in Christ, also receives a new heart and the very Spirit of God within them. When the Gospel of John introduces Jesus as the Lamb of God, we immediately begin to hear Jesus' invitation that we "follow" Him and that we "come and see" what God can do in our lives. All throughout the Gospels, we see that Jesus always encouraged people passed simple faith, inviting them to walk and truly fellowship with Him so that God might transform their lives with His power. Listen as talk all about what it means to have a personal relationship with God through Christ. Has believing in Jesus changed your life? Has He become the center that all of your life revolves around? If we've been redeemed, we s