Simmons Here And Now

Tell The Damn Story, Ep. 243: How Much Of You Do You Dare Reveal?



Yeah, how much about yourself do you dare reveal in your work? This week, Alex talks about turning personal experience into fiction, and Chris talks about self-care, ensuring that your health supports your creative endeavors.  You can certainly pull from your own life for story ideas.  But there are other sources too.  So we also discussed being inspired by school teachers and a book called "The Anatomy of Genre" by John Truby.  Then Alex's Time Machine talks about the impact of Truman Capote's book, "The Glass House" and we offer you a self-care challenge.  So come on over and check it out. Feel better about yourself and stay creative!  Have questions or comments for us? Post them in the comments section below or ... Write: And follow us on ... @Tell The Damn Story The Damn Story Tell The Damn Story #trumancapote #WritingSkills #writingsofig #writingtools #writingcente #writingcorner #writingpractice #writingsforever