Rnt Fitness Radio

Ep 315 - Hall Of Fame | Thiago Luz: Becoming A Role Model Dad



When Thiago became a dad in 2019, he started thinking back to his childhood. Growing up, his father couldn’t do any intense exercise due to 5 heart operations. So it was always clear when his time came, he’d want to be able to do whatever they wanted with him; whether it be running, swimming, playing or jumping. At the end of 2021, Thiago noticed his vitality was decreasing. He was constantly looking for places to sit down when he was out to play with his daughter. Which is when he realised something needed to change. Having listened to the RNT podcast for years, Thiago had RNT at the top of his mind. But initially, he wanted to try to figure it out himself. Lacking accountability, support and guidance, he fell into the Monday to Friday dieting trap. “I was eating pizzas on Fridays, burgers on Saturdays, and brownies on Sunday afternoon with wine at night”. This coupled with hopping from one fitness programme to the next, every few weeks, meant Thiago was getting nowhere. Until he decided to bite the bullet,