Jerry Royce Live - Worldwide

LATE NIGHT WITH JERRY ROYCE LIVE & Kelly Holland - EP 791 Chontaé Cuellar (entrepreneur and business owner!)



Chontaé Cuellar is blazing her own trail as an entrepreneur and business owner!This former nurse, now Chief Visionary Officer of Bold Enough to Say, LLC, whichhappens to be the same title of her freshman book; is leveraging her voice, talent, andskill set! A chapter from her initial project led her to embark as a participant of theanthology, “When the Soul Cries” with her titled contribution, “From the Pole to theAltar”, as she shares her journey as an exotic dancer and how she met her husband! Asa result of this project, she is Co-Producer of the documentary with the same title, Whenthe Soul Cries currently available through Amazon Prime!Her third book, co-authored by her husband, “Not bythe World’s Standards, A Marriage Thrived Againstthe Odds!” was released October 2021. They were onthe verge of divorce twice, but God said otherwise.Their story of God’s TRUE LOVE is powerful!Her current role as a Writing Coach, ghostwriter, editor, and proofreader seguedfrom authorship. She assists individuals to navigate