Jerry Royce Live - Worldwide

EP. 673 LATE NIGHT FRIDAY WITH JERRY ROYCE LIVE & The Christian Party-Line with Shay, Paula G., Patrice & Chanel



SPECIAL GUEST MIN. MICHAEL JONES - Prophet/Minister Michael Jones was born and raised in Akron Ohio. The only brother of four sisters, it became apparent even at an early age that he possessed wisdom beyond his years and the ability to impart sound and uplifting council. He served 23 Years in the United States Navy Submarine force as an Electronic Technician where he also got his first taste of professional counseling as the Navigation and Operations Enlisted Department Advisor (NODEA) and the Ship’s Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor (DAPA). His love of God and family and the desire to help people is the catalyst that motivates him and is at the core of his ministry. He and his lovely wife, Joy, have a combined total of seven children and twelve grandchildren and currently reside in Chesapeake, VA. Minister Jones is a powerful and anointed teacher, preacher, and a Top Notch relationship advisor, Life Coach, and keynote and inspirational speaker. He is the co-executive of the House of Swords: Kings of War and