Trent Knox Show

Creator Economy Talks ft. Knives Monroe #002



This podcast covers a range of topics related to building an audience on social media platforms like YouTube and Twitch, with a focus on branding, outreach, and monetization. Knives Monroe and Trent Knox discuss the differences between streaming and creating YouTube videos, the importance of asking yourself how valuable your content is, the power of having an abundance mindset, and the risks associated with relying on social media platforms. They also touch on topics such as branding, repurposing content, and the fear of missing out. The podcast ends with a discussion of how to analyze content before posting it and a speculative question about what the future of social media might hold. 0:00 • Why you need to have a YouTube channel. 8:51 • What is the inspiration behind Indie Darlings today? 17:10 • What's the difference between a twitch streamer and a YouTube video? 23:07 •Why you need to ask yourself, "How valuable is this?" 30:15 • The majority of his work has been cold outreach to people he didn't kn