Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Abagail Pumphrey and Emylee Williams, Empowering Women on Creating a Life-First Business, Episode 286



I've been talking a lot about creating a business filled with time prosperity and wealth prosperity and I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs simplify and streamline their businesses. It's about building smart businesses with intention. And today's guests, Abagail Pumphrey and Emylee Williams created a community aimed at helping entrepreneurs flourish and create a financially free life without all the stress and hassle of traditional business tactics, allowing them to live life first and put their careers second. I am excited for them to share their wisdom on creating a life-first business because I know you're going to love them. In This Episode: Emylee talks about designing a business that is around intentional hustle Abagail shares the story about how all of the forced rest has really taught her the value of what it can do for her and the intentionality she can put behind it They talk about how they met and started their business together Their mission of helping more women and fems in