Amanda's Wellbeing Podcast

How to heal past traumas with Spiritual Teacher, Karena Kilcoyne



A warm welcome to the first Vibrant Lives Podcast episode of 2023 and it is a wonderful one, both touching and informative. My guest this week is Karena Kilcoyne, a defence lawyer turned author and spiritual teacher. Karena helps people process trauma and shame. Often the experience of trauma leads us to tell ourselves stories about ourselves that can profoundly affect how we are in the world. For example, if we felt abandoned as a child, we might believe that we are unworthy of love and that can play out in all sorts of destructive behaviours. Our stories can hinder us from finding joy in life or forming loving relationships. Karena generously shares her own experience of childhood trauma that included her father going to prison and, at the age of 12, having to look after her siblings and become the "parent" in her household.  I'll say no more here - tune in to my conversation with Karena to hear this uplifting, courageous and life affirming episode. KARENA KILCOYNE   Karena's website: ht