Mason Vera Paine

The Musical Journey of The Indiigo Child



From San Francisco, The Indiigo Child, has made an impact on the dance music industry. His sound consists of a mix of electronic synths and strong beats. The Indiigo Child joins me to speak about his latest track “Come Back To Me” and his journey in music. Like The Indiigo Child visit: and Follow The Indiigo Child on Instagram at: Indiigo Child Latest Track: “Come Back To Me” - Start: 14:19 to 17:35 Mason Vera Paine & The Indiigo Child Interview Transcription [00:00:00] Announcer: Mason Vera Paine, [00:00:02] Mason Paine: San Francisco based DJ And producers at Indigo Child, brings a unique style to dance music with electronic, synths and powerful beats. He joins me to discuss his latest track, Come Back to Me, and his journey in music. Thanks for joining me, Indigo. [00:00:15]  The Indiigo Child: Good afternoon, Mason. How are you