Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

3 Keys to Building Your Audience of Raving Fans FAST



God put a calling on your heart to help people. How are you taking action on it? If you really want to deeply serve others, you must meet and connect with people. Because if you’re talking to just yourself, you’re not really making an impact. Building an audience is one of the ways you can do this in the online marketing world. The old “drive-by” way of selling to people without connecting with them and assuming you can build a passive income empire while you’re off sipping drinks on a beach does NOT work anymore. We are in a separation season. What may have worked a few years ago no longer works now, and only those coaches who learn to adapt will succeed at launching or scaling their businesses. In this episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I want to share three key things that are different about building an audience now than it was even 5 years ago. The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are: Intimacy is VITAL. Creating intimacy as an online business owner is not easy. Still, it can be simple when you