Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP399 Surviving The Swamp with AZ US Rep. Andy Biggs



Our guest today is AZ US Congressman Andy Biggs. Representative Andy Biggs was first elected to serve the people of Arizona’s Fifth District in 2016. He has consistently been a champion of our Individual Liberties, our Second Amendment Rights and has previously served as Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus. 1) We have titled this episode “Surviving The Swamp” because it looks like something is always clogging the efforts to “drain the swamp”. But your recent stand, along with 19 other Freedom-minded elected officials in voting in a new Speaker of the House was encouraging that We The People do not just have to accept the status-quo. 2) You will be one of the speakers at the 10th Annual Celebrate & Protect the 2A Rally Event on Saturday, February 18, 2023 at the AZ State Capitol. Tell us why that is such an important event to lend your voice to. 3) People who believe that the Bill of Rights and the 2A are inherent and unalienable rights – as part of natural law, endowed by our Creator, not to be infringed – t