Gun Freedom Radio

GunFreedomRadio EP389 Self Defense Saves Lives with Raul Mendez



Our guest today is Raul Mendez. Raul is a survivor of a mass shooting event in a normally quiet neighborhood in AZ. Raul used his firearm in self-defense and is living proof that guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens save lives and he will continue to spread awareness and share his story, in hopes that others realize the importance of protecting our God given Second Amendment right. 1) You and your family – including your daughters and your pregnant wife - faced a violent murderer who turned a family party into an event torn by violence without warning. What do you say to people who tell us that when danger strikes, we should “just call the police”? 2) What specific things do you credit with your preparedness to respond to the unexpected? 3) What you and your friends survived, and how you acted together to stop the threat is amazing and more people should realize how quickly a normal day can be turned upside down by a murderer determined to cause harm. But, it seems like your story is an inconvenient