Albuquerque Business Podcast

Principles & Traits of Marine Corps Leadership | Decisiveness



Decisiveness is a key trait that all successful leaders must possess. In the United States Marine Corps, this trait is highly valued and seen as a crucial aspect of leadership. A decisive leader is someone who can quickly make difficult decisions, even in the face of uncertainty. They are able to act quickly and effectively, without being paralyzed by fear or doubt. In the Marine Corps, decisiveness is essential in order to achieve success in combat operations. In combat, there is no time for hesitation or indecision. Leaders must be able to make quick and informed decisions in order to keep their troops safe and achieve their objectives. This requires a deep understanding of the situation at hand and the ability to analyze information quickly. A decisive leader must be able to weigh the risks and benefits of different options and make the best decision for their unit and mission. Being decisive is not just about making decisions quickly, however. It also involves being accountable for the consequences of tho