Ajn The American Journal Of Nursing - Behind The Article

August 2009 Highlights



Editorial director Shawn Kennedy and clinical editor Christine Moffa present the highlights of the August issue of AJN, including a continuing education article, Post-Breast Cancer Lymphedema: Part 2, which discusses risk reduction and management of this complication from treatment; a feature article with historic photos discussing how AJN didn’t report on the role of German nurses during the holocaust (also check out an interview with the author in our podcasts); “lessons learned” by a school of nursing who provided primary care to hurricane evacuees following Hurricane Katrina; an update on recommendations to use hemoglobin A1c levels as a diagnostic tool for diabetes; a review of a recent article evaluating the evidence behind frequency of patient turning to prevent pressure ulcers. Of special note: podcasts featuring an interview with and the music of Liyana, the young Zimbabwean musicians with disabilities who recently toured the United States.