Soapbox Darby

dumbed down atheist 27 Franc Hoggle



Franc Hoggle Atheist Skeptical Watchdog and all round clever dude is my guest.We discuss The bullies and control freaks at Free Thought Blogs and Atheism + (pus)Links to the wisdom of Franc are here. Hoggle Minor errata - I talked about Zahra Claire (not Faye) Baker and her mother didn't die, she left and gave up custody to the father. of Zahra Baker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.orgZahra Clare Baker (November 16, 1999 - September 24, 2010) was born in Wagga Wagga, Australia and was reported missing on October 9, 2010. Only 10 years old at the time of her death, her dismembered remains were found in November 2010. Because of the crime's gruesome nature and the series of events ...