

When discussing a decision with a client, I asked him what the motivating values were in his decision-making process. “Money,” was his first response. “Not a value,” I responded. “Promotion” came next. “Not a value,” I responded. Then “decision-making power,” “Not a value,” I repeated. Are we going through life mindlessly adopting the values of our friends, society, or even family? Are we daring to explore our values and what they mean to us personally, or are we running away in fear? This week’s podcast deals with awakening or discovering your values and then utilizing those values for your life plan. Learn the neuroscience behind these activities, and why it is imperative you spend the necessary time aiming your life at something you might want versus the habit of what you are mindlessly doing. These two steps are the beginning of expanding your life to more fulfillment and meaning. This will be a topic you want to discuss at dinner!  QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “If you know what your values are, you will know what