Coffee With Dr. Stewart

Telomeres: What They Are and Why We Need To Pay Attention



Sponsored By NBX In this episode we discuss with Dr. Stewart: What are telomeres and why are they important? How can a provider determine our chronological age vs our cellular age through DNA testing via a simple cheek swab. When someone should pay attention to the length of your telomeres. How Telomere DNA Testing can show your provider if your telomeres have shortened faster than others who are the same age. What can we do to assist our telomeres to a healthier length. Are people with health issues going to have short telomere length? Can we repair telomeres and if so, what do we need to know. An overview of NBX Wellness’ Exclusive Formula, DNA Sustain. An overview of each ingredient in the DNA Sustain and how they assist in anti-aging and telomere support. Overview of NBX Wellness' patent-pending ingredient Equol. Discussion on when a wellness provider should test and re-test their clients. For more information on the NBX Wellness telomere test and our new formula DNA Sustain crafted by Dr. S