Old Capital Real Estate Investing Podcast With Michael Becker & Paul Peebles

EPS 277 - Have a BRIDGE loan and NEED TO GET OUT? Can a HUD loan protect YOUR partnership?



Mention HUD financing to apartment syndicators a couple years ago…they would laugh at you. Today, many syndicators are not laughing. Those adjustable-rate loans need additional capital (like a fish needs water) from their limited partner investors to purchase expensive interest rate caps; so numerous syndicators are exploring different refinancing options. Fannie & Freddie are good options, but many syndicators are “changing the narrative” to hold the property longer until the market improves. A HUD loan could be a better option with a 35-year fixed term and lower debt service coverage to qualify. Listen to this important discussion on HUD financing in today’s market. Are you interested in learning more about how Multifamily Syndications work? Please visit www.spiadvisory.com to learn more about Michael Becker’s Real Estate Syndication business with SPI Advisory LLC. Please leave us a 5 - STAR RATING on iTunes, if you enjoyed this podcast. We would appreciate that, thanks.