Simmons Here And Now

Tell The Damn Story #247: Quick Question. How Do You Deal With The Doubts.



This week on Tell The Damn Story, Alex and Chris discuss topics to inspire and assist emerging artists along their creative path. We discuss whether or not one must stay married to one's genre, or can/should we experiment in other arenas. We also discuss the onset of The Doubts, and how to defend against that part of the creative process. We issue you a challenge to help you prepare to defend against The Doubts. Then we talk about what we checked out this week for inspiration. Chris cheers Ant-Man and The Wasp Quantumania, which he says is "way, way better than the critics are saying." He continues, "There's something for everyone in that movie!" Alex is talking about a young filmmaker who discovered an ignored group of heroes from World War I and is about to make a film about it. And, of course, we take a ride in Alex Simmons' Time Machine to visit outstanding female characters from decades past (which Alex does more of in the upcoming debut volume of Soul Scream Antholozine, edited and published by Chris an