Story Worthy

780- Standing In For Clooney with Writer Joe Coyle



Writer Joe Coyle whose stories recently appeared in Beyond Where the Buses Run: Stories! And Mount Hope Magazine worked as George Clooney’s stand in on nine feature films beginning with Batman & Robin. On today’s episode of Story Worthy Joe tells a cautionary tale of why you should always remove your super hero makeup prior to driving home on the 405 especially if your tail light is out and you are car pooling with the Robin stand, who is also wearing super hero makeup.  Listen to this hilarious story of behind “Behind the Hollywood scenes” where Joe got to kick Arnold Schwarzenegger, kiss Elle MacPherson, drive the Batmobile and wear the Bat Suit within a month of arriving in the city where anything is possible Connect with Story Worthy! Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Twitter: LinkedIn: christine-blackburn Website: https://w