Gartner Thinkcast

7 Disruptions That Will Change How You Work — and Live



Read the news or jump on social media on any given day, and you’re bound to hear about some new technology or innovation that promises to alter your life. But what will genuinely disrupt the status quo? Here to discuss the seven digital disruptions you might not see coming between now and 2027 is Distinguished VP Analyst and Gartner Fellow Daryl Plummer, who presents this list annually at Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo™ conference.   From working in the metaverse to technologies becoming disposable, we dive into this year’s disruptions, how leaders — especially CIOs — should respond to them, and the common mistakes we don’t want to see you make.   Dig Deeper   Discover: Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo 2023    Watch: 7 Disruptions You May Not See Coming in 2022-2027