5 Smooth Stones

Black History Facts Like Few Have Heard (This is our planet's history)



TONIGHT!!! BLACK HISTORY LIKE YOU NEVER HEARD. Tuesday Bro. Seth and the Five Smooth Panel will be skipping to Chapter 8 in his new book to discuss the solutions to white supremacy (black inferiority) in both so-called white America and so-called black America in thought, speech, or behavior. The Johnny-come-lately inventions and often exaggerated claims today of so-called whites' greatness and the suppression of thousands of years to date of the greatness of so-called black people are one of the most vicious acts by mankind against mankind under the guidance of pure evil. But we will not be fooled by Satan's devices because we have true accounts of the past, present, and the projected future! Tune into blogtalkradio, Tuesday, February 21, 2023, at 8 p.m. CST.         THE TRUTH IS OFTEN STRANGER THAN FICTION. To speak with Seth or the panel, call (914) 205-5590. Go to this link if you desire to listen online. Also, you may listen anonymously by dialing *67 before the above phone number.        http://tobt