Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 465 Neuroscience in the News: Memories, Inflammation, and Exercise



This week Dr. Bray is sharing the latest research to be published on the brain. We have heard much information about the harmful effects of inflammation on the body; Dr. Bray discusses new findings of inflammation on brain cognition. Do you love your memories? Well, at least the good ones! Dr. Bray shares the latest research on what is occurring in the brain to enhance memory recall. Research has shown that emotion and memories are tied together, and the stronger the feeling is tagged with a memory, the easier it is to recall and remember. Last, Dr. Bray discusses new findings on light-intensity exercise (just 6-9 minutes!) and its effect on your brain cognition. Think about brain breaks during the workday with light walking to increase your performance throughout the day. You don’t want to miss this episode on your way to becoming a brain expert.