Burky And Badger's Board Game Babble Show

Game for a laugh - Board Game Babble 98 with Grant Lyon



3:38 ***Introducing our guest Grant Lyon***  Board gamers, stand up comedian and self defence instructor 13:58 ***Sponsor break***  Arcane Wonders late pledge for Foundations of Rome. New releases: Dice Manor, Mother of Frankenstien, Mobile Markets 17:39 ***Things that make the King go Hmmm!***   Renegade Games studio publishing Axis and Allies and now Acquire 22:50 ***Your thoughts in out poll***  Listening to what you said about our poll about games of 2022 and what you are looking forward to in 2023 32:09 ***What game is behind the door?*** Our quiz show section, where we quiz our guest, Grant Lyon in our dungeon, about games. Can you guess what the answers are before us? 1:15:00 ***Sponsor break***  Amazing March Madness and late pledge on Game Topper 1:17:29 ***The Babble***  Humour is subjective, but is it any different at the gaming table between friends? --------------------------------------- You can find on Youtube https://youtube.com/live/iGpSB62Yqt4 or at Board Game Theater (http://www.boardgame