Vitality Podcast

De-Armoring, Authenticity and Chronic Pain with Susanne Roursgaard



Meet Susanne Roursgaard: Psychotherapist, body-oriented trauma therapist, sexologist specialised in sexual abuse, family therapist, couples counsellor, interspiritual trainer, certified TRE-provider. Dedicated to bringing healing and trauma release to her clients, her passion is helping people deliver them back to themselves in their own essence. To be at home in their body and to have peace of mind. Learn how she has come to understand the body in a new way. How to dissolve armoring and connect with the body in a more compassionate way. Susanne understands and respects the importance of honoring the wisdom of the body when doing dearmoring work.Susanne recently created The Gaia Method, a dearmoring method to liberate the body from blockages, allowing people to be authentic and  speak their truth. It also helps people with chronic pain, as when we work through the blockages and remove them, then you stop needing the painkiller and pain goes away. Learn more on what she is doing at https://www.t