Trail Correspondents

S3 Episode #10 | Wildcard III



We're back at it today with this season's third edition of our wildcard episode. Instead of giving our hikers a specific prompt, they are given the freedom to report on whatever subject they find most pressing. We get some very moving entries, including an emotional take on what it feels like to lose your hiking partner in the midst of the journey, we hear about hiker entitlement, we get a check-in from Ibex fresh off the Benton Mackaye trail- and why she's no longer on the PCT, and more. FIND US ON ITUNES | FIND US ON GOOGLE PLAY | FIND US ON STITCHER Check out Appalachian Trials and Pacific Crest Trials. In today's episode we hear from: Cal "Starburst" Dobbs Jeff "Link" Podmayer Juli "M8" Wolter Laura Waltrous Natalie "Ibex" Parker Monica "Moss" Aguilar Henri "Rooster" de la Vega [divider] Have any praise, questions, praise, comments, praise, or praise for Trail Correspondents? Reach out to Subscribe to this podcast on iTunes (and please leave us a review)! Download this episode he