Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast

Live Check in Q&A No.89 ... (How to ride the highs and lows of the business more smoothly?)



how does everyone find new content for socials? and plan it How would you reach out to help a client who due to stresses of work, family life etc keeps smashing in the Twirls uncontrollably? He then beats himself up about this and goes off track. I only see him every fortnight? Cheers Pretty Boys. I feel like clients that are quick to sign up, are also quick to leave. How do I keep stop that from happening if they are eager to start? How to ride the highs and lows of the business more smoothly? I feel like my self-worth is directly tied to how well my business is doing. When everything goes well, I'm confident and happy. But when something goes wrong, I'm struggling not to take it personally. How best to use Facebook for conversations etc? I get lots of engagement on posts but I'm not sure if I'm making the most of it. How can I get my clients engaged in my community group (challenges, ideas to keep them engaging) How essential do you think talking to camera videos are for social media? As oppose