Bossy Bruja Prayers

Love Invocation 10: Love Persists



Welcome to day 10 of our love invocation sweet witches! Today’s topic is LOVE PERSISTS. Today’s activity is to sit in a meditation and to think of all the people you love. Hold them in your thoughts or see them in your mind’s eye and tell them how much you love them. Tell them thank you for the specific things they’ve brought into your life. See them in a state of total bliss and comfort. You can imagine people who are incarnate and/or those in the spirit realm. Lastly, I would like you to go to your mirror, look yourself in the eye and tell yourself thank you. Tell yourself you love you. Thank yourself for staying alive, making it work, making the necessary choices, and persisting even when life gets tough. Let’s pray. God is with us, always. God is the air, the rain, the sun, the earth. God is ALL. God permeates all of existence and animates every cell. God is our very spirit-She is alive and well. She strengthens us, fills us with courage, satisfies our souls and empowers us to persist even when things g