Bossy Bruja Prayers

Love Invocation 09: Love Enchants



What’s good witches! Today is day 9 of our prosperity invocation and I’m hype. I can tell that this prayer series is working. Please note: You may begin attracting people who still love you. That just means the prayers have pull, but keep going. Today’s topic is LOVE ENCHANTS. Today’s activity is to create a list. This list is two parts. Part one is all the characteristics and qualities you desire your partner to possess. Part two is all the characteristics and qualities you desire to possess. Then figure out what practical steps you need to take to embody them and start taking those steps. Some of you may have a list, go find it and review it and update it as needed. Thank you! Let’s pray. Prayer Dear God, I dream of a love for myself and my witch babes that is bold, beautiful, and enchanting. I envision a love that is so satisfying and fulfilling that everyday we wake up in peace, deep gratitude, and excitement for what the day holds for us and our beloveds. I imagine a collective of witches who are elevat