Liquid Church

Jesus Enters Jerusalem On Palm Sunday | Passion Part 1



For 5 weeks in our Passion Series, we are going to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ during the last week of his life. This week begins with Palm Sunday and is referred to as Holy Week. Jesus ultimately dies on Good Friday and rises from the dead 3 days later on Easter. But, before we can celebrate Easter, we will experience Jesus’ “Passion,” which is His suffering born out of love for us. You can journey along with us in the Gospel of Mark, which covers the last 8 days of Jesus’ life in its final 6 chapters. In this message, we start with what happened on Palm Sunday - the first day of the final week. This is when Jesus made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It’s important to know that Jesus knew exactly what was going to happen to him this week. Three times, he told his disciples that he was going to Jerusalem to suffer and die. But, what ends in a crucifixion begins as a coronation of a king - King Jesus! When Jesus entered Jerusalem, he rode into the city on a donkey and people spread palm branche