Optimal Performance Podcast

421 Ankle Sprain - how to heal it as fast a possible



Here's how you biohack an ankle sprain.  What to take, how to ice and what your mentality needs to be.  BioPro+ EVERY MORNING. Insane product for recovery, mood, sleep, vitality, metabolism - GET IT HERE use code OPP - https://bioproteintech.com/product/biopro-plus Mega dose Krill Oil (literally 4x the daily recommended dose) - GET IT HERE....use code OPP for the discount. https://www.naturalstacks.com/products/antarctic-krill-oil CBD Tincture orally 4x daily - GET IT HERE...use code OPP for the discount https://mettnaturals.com/products/sweet-orange-hemp-extract Wobenzyme joint formula - 3 pellets 4x daily GET IT HERE amazon.com Analemma Coherent Water - use GET IT HERE use code OPP for a disount https://analemma-water.com/ Magnesium Breakthrough - Standard dose in the evening. GET IT HERE use code OPP10 - https://magnesiumbreakthrough.com/ Collagen 2x daily - GET IT HERE use code OPP https://bioptimizers.com/shop/products/collagenius Oil of Oregano - 4 drops under the tongue 4x daily GET IT HERE - amazon