Simmons Here And Now

Tell The Damn Story, Ep 249: How To Survive the Perils of Publishing, Indy To Mainstream



This week, Alex and Chris continue to pull back the curtain on getting published. Whether you're new to the field or you've been at it for a few years or more, the effort to get your work out into the world is a maze of challenging moves. Independently publishing has its challenges, but traditional path publishing. They have even more. Either way, this is no land for the meek of heart. Come on in and listen to the conversation, and take all the strength you need from us to go on your own journey, whichever path you take, to tell your damn story. Have questions or comments for us? Post them in the comments section below or ... Write: And follow us on ... @Tell The Damn Story The Damn Story #WritingSkills #writingsofig #writingtools #writingcenter #writingcorner #writingpractice #writingsforever  #writingthefuture #writinghacks #writingWednesday #simonandshuster #writingblog #writingclass  #authors #novelists #eddienewell #Imagecomics #dccomics