Ponderings From The Perch

Getting from Point A to Point B with Marketing



So you want to be the top dog, or rather the top bird? How do you do that? It starts with breaking down the journey from Point A to Point B. Join Little Bird Marketing CEO, Priscilla McKinney as she guides you through organizing your marketing, proactive planning and mindset shifting needed to put your goals together T Since organized marketers are 674% more likely to report success and proactive planners are 3x more likely to report success, the proof is in the pudding. Success means planning your marketing strategy in advance. Yet you can’t start planning without understanding your current marketing efforts. This is where clarity comes in. What is your “Point A”? Welcome to the Order of the Phoenix. While Little Bird Marketing won’t be offering anyone a train ticket to Hogwarts, Priscilla shares tons of free resources, including the Order of the Phoenix Marketing Assessment Quiz to evaluate your brand’s marketing strategy and the best way to push your efforts forward. Everyone loves a good quiz! Once you