
12.0 - Episode 12



Hello and welcome to episode twelve of Prose.  This week, we will take a journey of discovery with a young boy, meet some individuals with imagination, and experience a town with two stoplights, three churches, and a small dose of conflict.  We also have a bonus episode that considers liberty through verse.  This episode of Prose marks a major first, in that all three short stories and the bonus poem are all from authors that submitted work to the podcast. Episode 12.1 features Nicholas B. Morris, Episode 12.2 features Alena Abrosimova, Episode 12. 3 features Jack Lee.  The bonus episode features David Ezell. More about these authors can be found in each of their episodes.   As I always plea, if you are enjoying Prose, Please head over to iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, or the podcast-catcher of your choice and leave a rating and/or review.  Also, follow Prose on Twitter through @prosepodcast.    Thank you for taking the time to listen to Prose.  Let’s get to the tales, shall we?   This week, we have chapter