Vicki Abelson's Broadcast: The Road Taken

Eric McCormack Live On Game Changers With Vicki Abelson



Eric McCormack Live on Game Changers with Vicki Abelson Will and Vicki. The virgin Walden/Abelson voyage. If you’re gonna break the almost 3 yrs to the day pandemic Zoom streak, and do a first Live in person from the new digs, how better than with handsome, charming, fabulous, Emmy, SAG, and GLAAD Award Winning, Eric McCormack? Couldn’t be done. If you’re gonna look into a set of eyeballs, share rarefied air, lotsa laughs, and some snacks, well…it doesn’t get better than this. Thank you, Loren Gold for putting up with my incessant begging and pleading and making this happen. Exceeding all expectations, Eric was easy, expressive, talented (he did accents, impressions, and sang a teeny bit), and crazy fun. Stories, stories, and more stories, one better than the last. When we wrapped and Eric’s fab assistant, Michelle Loparo, said some of said stories were new to her, well, score! From his early days in Toronto, school plays with David Furnish, no, really! Day jobs at Baskin Robbins, and a gas station, his fa