Medicine On Call With Dr. Elaina George

Becoming Your Own Advocate in America’s Healthcare System



Dr. Ralph La Guardia has spent over three decades researching alternative ways of treating and preventing diseases of all types. He has been in private practice in Connecticut for more than thirty years. During that time, he has learned what alternative and natural methods work and which ones are “snake oil.” He has read hundreds of books and research articles on alternative ways of treating different diseases. In fact, he has a huge personal library of many out-of-print books. Moreover, he is well known in the medical underground of pioneering integrative medical practitioners. Integrative medicine is the highly effective combination of traditional and alternative medicine. Additionally, he authored “The Doomsday Book of Medicine,” considered by many to be the best book on medical prepping. He also wrote “The Bible of Alternative Medicine.” Recently, Dr. La Guardia released his newest book entitled “Infected: Secrets from The Medical Underground.” He lives on an organic farm in Connecticut with his lovely wife