Large Marge Sent Us

My Father the Hero



1994 brought us My Father the Hero, a really inappropriate movie about trying to make a hot guy jealous by pretending your father is your boyfriend, a movie plot that could only come from one place ... France! That's right - this American remake of Mon Pere Ce Heros - stars Gerard Depardieu, the Frenchman Du Jour of the 80s and 90s and Katherine Heigl, very pre Grey's Anatomy as she looks like a tiny baby!  The plot is ridiculous but stay for the epic soundtrack by the Baha Men of Who Let The Dog's Out Fame (and we couldn't stop singing THAT all episode, let me tell you), Nikki's cute wardrobe and inside out French braid, and try to stop your brain from doing mental gymnastics wondering how a movie like this gets made! Guy incorrectly and unbeknowst to him, outed as a  pedophile by his teenage daughter just so she can score a makeout sesh with a hot dude?! Cue the hilarity! Bonus - best thing we learned all week, The Baha Men are named the Baha Men because they are from the BAHA-mas! WHOA.